Hope for the New Year

Hope for the New Year

“Messy, Messy, Messy.” These are the famous words of Professor Hinkle the magician from Frosty the Snowman. These words summarize how many people around me feel about getting a living Christmas tree. They take work and are messy. This sentiment hashed around in my mind for quite some time. A fake tree does not take…

To Run or Engage

To Run or Engage

It was not snowy today, but it was a brisk fall bike ride. As I rode down the beautiful bike trail I saw a deer on my right. I slowed down a bit, but the deer jumped right in front of me to the other side of the path and then another deer in the…



I find myself thinking maybe something is wrong with me if I can not seem to make my life easier where I am at or that if I were a stronger person I would find a solution to make all the hard things in life fall into a place of ease.

The Answer to the Wait

The Answer to the Wait

As I have posted in the past (here), I was in a time of waiting. It was a hard valley and a dark time for me. I am still in a waiting period, but I am no longer waiting for an answer. I am waiting to start a new journey God is leading and directing…

Keep Seeking, Praying, & Asking

Keep Seeking, Praying, & Asking

Have you ever been in a time of waiting? A time of being unsure of what God has for you next or what you are to be doing now? Or you have a passion or desire, but there is something hindering the way? Or maybe you have been wronged and feel unheard? Maybe you have…

Who are we?
Examples & Tools | Family Philosophy

Who are we?

Our family strongly believes we live an abundant life based out of who we are. We agree with Paul. In many of his epistles he starts his letters with building the church up by describing their identity in Christ and then he moves on to describe how they are to live based on who they…

Does God Hate Sinners?

Does God Hate Sinners?

This question or the answer to this question has been rolling around in my head for a few weeks after a discussion with a group of women.  We as humans look at people’s actions and lifestyle and judge people based on their sin. We think, “They are living in sin. God hates sin and therefore…

The Wait

The Wait

Life is a full process of waiting. Right now I am waiting to plant starts for our garden. I am waiting for our bathroom downstairs to be finished. I am waiting for this rainy winter to stop and the sun to come out again. I am waiting to hear where God is taking our family’s…



God used many different means to catch my attention this past week. He used our family devotions in Hebrews, this Sunday’s sermon from Pastor Mike (listen here), my weekly book study, toilet paper, and even my husband’s anxiety and questioning of God’s provision for our family to remind me to enter God’s rest by believing in…

Crying Out to God

Crying Out to God

I was talking with a friend about some hard things I have been going through.  I was mad at God, hurt, and sad. Did God forsake me? Is God against me? I felt so embarrassed, a pastor’s wife angry with God. How can I minister to others when I feel so devoid of God’s support? I…